Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happy April

I haven't posted anything for a little while.  Things got a little busy.  I was working with a yoga studio, but quickly I realized I was a bit over my head!  I know a good deal about raw foods, and foods for health, however, the business side of it all, I'm pretty much a newborn.  Not only was I basically running the kitchen but I also got hired on at the University.  Utah State University, as a lab technician.  I help make soil samples for all of the schools organic farms :)

I had intentions on keeping both jobs, but knowing that they will be needing a lot more help at the university this summer and that at the yoga studio they were able to hire someone else who could hopefully take the reigns forward on making sure the kitchen was running, I decided to leave and dedicate more time to the University.  It wasn't an easy decision since working at the yoga studio was really an incredible experience and I wish all the best to those continuing it on as of now, but it's looking like I'll be getting into school for a Masters, and it will likely take up a lot of my time.

I am very excited about the program. It's looking like I got the assistantship to work on the accreditation of an organic peach orchard in a beautiful national park - Capitol Reef National Park
As of now, I haven't had the opportunity to visit - soooo it may not look like the picture above, but :) atleast it's in the same area.

Another reason I have been a bit away from this blog is I actually started a 3rd blog!  It hasn't really got going as of yet.  But recently I really got into a lot of Drunvalo Melchidek's teachings from many indigenous people's from around the globe.  I am all for sustainability, health, organic agriculture, permaculture, I love it all, but there is something to be said about personal enlightenment.  I am definitely on a journey, I don't know what kind of journey, but I know that life presents me with lessons all the time.  Most of the time, I have no idea what it's trying to teach me or what I need to learn.  Which can feel, lol, confusing to say the least.  And I guess I always held a bit of judgement on those who prioritized becoming enlightened, not because I had any problem with it, but because I just didn't see the point.  I didn't really realize why it might be important.

Now I feel like it has to do with being able to see things from a  broader perspective, being able to catch yourself acting in a way which is uncompassionate before you make the act.  It's about seeing solutions before experiencing a need for them.  It's about connecting as a people and a society in a way that we don't have to be so polarized and we can continually go to that expanded point of view - so we can see eye to eye.

For example:
Recently there has been a lot of debate on let's say .. guns.  Lol I really don't want to open up a huge debate here, because honestly I feel quite neutral on the topic and I don't really want to get into the argument, I just want to share what I mean about expanding an argument so that both sides can feel like they've been heard without crunching any toes in the process.
- lol in the most general sense.. here  is super complicated argument most likely over simplified.. and maybe if I was "enlightened' LOL I could think of a better example.  But, so far not the case, so this will have to do :)

Group A
Doesn't want any of their gun rights to be taken away
Sees gun crime as a result of an unbalanced person

Group B
Doesn't want guns to be easily accessible by unbalanced people
Sees gun crime as a result of guns

Now both of these people are completely 100% correct- right I mean you can't be wrong with an opinion, you can't have a  gun crime with a balanced person and a gun - unless there is some kind of freak mistake.. which happens... You can also not have a gun crime without a gun.  Whether government should or shouldn't control what kind of guns which people can have.. is totally up in the air.  Obviously this is a huge debate.

Can we take a step back on inch further.

Group A
wants to maintain the ability to protect themselves and their children

Group B
wants to maintain the ability to protect themselves and their children.

They just see different solutions to this issue of staying safe.

No one in the end wants the protection of their child to be threatened.  Period.  That's it.

What are some alternative solutions to this situation?

We are a disconnected society, there is no other way to put that.
What can we do, as a society to help each other and help our 'criminals' become balanced individuals.

Currently I have absolutely no solution for this lol sorry.  Maybe we can create neighborhood meditation/praying sessions, we can take turns caring in whatever way we can for people who are reaching out.  I don't know, but I do see a need for a different way of accomplishing things.

If I can take the responsibility for myself and my own enlightenment, and I change my perspective that the world needs changing, then maybe thats the solution.  Who knows, but I think it's worth a shot.  :)

May we all find what creates bliss in our lives and what makes the world an ever beautiful place as it deserves to be.

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